Children and anxiety are two things that commonly related one another. We think that children can feel anxious easily. Kids are sometimes anxious when meeting strange persons. They also feel anxious when being alone. Therefore, kids and anxiety are such a package than cannot be separated one another. But, what kind of anxiety is normal? Anxiety is normal as long as it happens rarely. When anxiety only occurs when the children are on certain situation, it is a normal anxiety. It is normal when children are anxious on their first day school. Fear of unexpected things that may happen during their presentation is also normal. Otherwise, it is a problem when the children feel anxious in every situation. Feeling worry all the times can be a sign of anxiety disorders. Thus, children and anxiety should be concerned.
There are some types of anxiety disorder in children. Generalized anxiety is the first type of children anxiety disorder. Children belong to generalized anxiety when they worry about many things. School, family member, or future is the most common thing they worry about. The second type is phobias. Phobias usually refer to fear of something. It can be height or closed room. Children who have phobia usually avoid things that may trigger their phobia. Children who have less confidence usually suffer social phobia. They fear of drawing other’s attention. It makes them less innovative and tends to be inferior. Children who have traumatic experience in their past sometimes suffer Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This kind of anxiety disorder is caused by terrible experience. The children usually fear of place where the traumatic event had ever taken place. In short, even though children and anxiety are two related things, it is better not to do things that may cause anxiety to the children.
Description: People think that children and anxiety are closely related. However, anxiety in children should be concerned. There are some types of anxiety in children. Keep on reading.