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What Causes Childhood anxiety Disorder?

A parent might notice that her child seems to be nervous and fearful. Feeling nervous and fearful are common as a human being. This might be related to a stressful event. When we face a great event, we may get stress in that moment. It can be when they are going to perform in a school play, or when they are going to write an exam. Those are kinds of events that cause children to be stressful. It is a normal situation for a child to worry and feel nervous. The children may have a problem, if they are frequently nervous. This nervous frequency is not normal if they feel it again and again in their whole days. It is also a problem when they find it hard to cope with any new situations. The ways they feel prefer to be described with being anxious. This description is more suitable for that situation. It is not just feeling nervous. Anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry. When the anxiety level is great enough to interfere with the daily activities of the children, we can call it as a childhood Anxiety Disorder.

What causes a childhood anxiety disorder?
An anxiety disorder has a multiple origins. There are some origins that cause this disorder. The genes play a role in causing the anxiety. This anxiety is likely related to the genes. The others are the home, the neighborhood, the school, and so on. As an example, a baby who lives with the too much stress family can develop the childhood anxiety disorders. This disorder can be developed from the family condition. The other children may learn to respond in an anxious way to a new situation. It is because a parent shows an anxiety. It is a mix of these causes that will make an anxiety disorder for the children.

Description: Childhood anxiety disorder is when the anxiety level is great enough to interfere with daily activity of children. Read this following article to find some important information.

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