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Recognizing Children Anxiety Symptoms

Have you ever known your children show some children anxiety symptoms? If you often find that your children act strangely when meeting unfamiliar person or being in unfamiliar situation, you better read this carefully.  Not many of us are aware of children anxiety disorder. What is actually children anxiety disorder? Well, anxiety is sometimes experienced by every of us. Children, teenagers and adults must have ever felt anxious. It usually happens when we are in unfamiliar conditions or surrounded by strange persons. If you feel anxious when you do public speaking, it is quite normal. It is such a normal response, as long as your anxiety last in short time. Otherwise, when you or your children feel anxious all the time, it can be the sign that your children suffer anxiety disorder.

There are some children anxiety symptoms that you should recognize.  The symptoms are rather the same as normal anxiety. However, the intense anxiety shows severe symptoms. The most common symptoms of children anxiety are restlessness, insomnia or feeling difficult to sleep, and shyness. Children who are highly anxious will behave rather differently than other children. They often cling to their parents, refusing to socialize or play with their peer friends or family, or even avoid meeting other people. They do such things because they feel threatened by the presence of other people. Those children can be anxious very easily. Even a simple thing such as going to school can trigger their anxiety. Most of children who suffer anxiety disorder feel more comfortable in their home. Anxiety disorder is quite dangerous for children. It makes them less socializes with their friends, whereas playing and socialization is important during their age. Therefore, one you recognize your children show some children anxiety symptoms, you better consult to psychologist for better treatment.

Description: Children anxiety symptoms show children anxiety disorder. There are some symptoms that can be recognized to know whether or not the children have anxiety disorder. Check it here.

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