In many cases, the fear in the childhood is transient and short lived. It does not live long. The different sign of childhood anxiety develops at a different stage. Each stage shows the different anxiety. These are the three stages.
- The first is a baby that may fear of a loud noise, a height, a stranger, and also a separation.
- The next is a preschooler that may start to show a fear of being on the dark.
- The last is a school age child that may be afraid of a supernatural thing, such as ghost, a social situation, a failure, a criticism, a test, a physical harm, a threat, and so on.
An infant and a young child do not tend to worry about some things. Things that commonly worry about are different. What might be worried for the children is they have to imagine the future and the bad things. Some children worry about their future. Those kinds of things may happen in it. This is why a worry becomes more common in the children that are over eight years of age. The children under 8 years rarely worry of sign of childhood anxiety.
Some children also worry about the different things. This difference is causes by their age. It is because they get older. As older a person, the worrying will be change. In the childhood, they may worry about the getting sick. Childhood worrying is around get hurt. In the adolescence, they may be less concrete. They may think something related about a war, an economic fear, a political fear, a family relationship, and others. There are some factors that cause the sign of childhood anxiety. Some people are anxious because of the run in the family.
Description: The different sign of childhood anxiety develops at a different stage. Some factors cause this anxiety. Read this following article to find some important information.